“en-” (prefix) meaning: “to cause,” and “del” from “deludere” meaning “delusion” (noun.)
modifier: Endelic1. A nonhuman or Alterhuman self-identifier to describe one’s identity being caused by, rooted in, or greatly influenced by [a] delusion.
“I’m an Endel. What Endel am I? I am Endelcanine.”
"My identity as Edward Elric is Endelic, I'm Endelic Fictionkin."“Endel” was created for delusional nonhumans or Alterhumans only. It should not be used to insult others, or to suggest they may be delusional; Endel should only be used as a self-identifier. It was made to describe the experience of having a nonhuman or Alterhuman identity that is related to one’s delusion(s,) as well as to recognize and express the relationship mental health has with nonhuman identities.“Endel” has been made in solidarity with the Otherkin, Alterhuman, Therianthrope, Fictionkin, and adjacent communities, although one may or may not identify with adjacent communities.
Coined by babydog, 22/4/2021

Endel's official symbol: A strawberry with a small, white, four-petaled flower beside it.
A strawberry with a small white flower was chosen for it's symbolism: fruits are seasonal, much like how delusions come and go, or can be more tolerable some days compared to others. Delusions can also be good and unharmful, such as sweet and ripe strawberries are delicious. Others may be rotten and bitter, like how delusions can be hurtful. The flower represents the beauty even in dark things. A runner (small vine) is optional in it's design, as strawberry runners may be used to show solidarity between Endels.

Alternative Endelic symbols: A simple downward-facing arrowhead with a small 4-pointed-star at the bottom right; it is uncoloured. The other is a pink-coloured heart with a white four-pointed star on the bottom right; the colours of the heart and star are not important and can be changed to any colour if that is desired.

Endel's Official flag was created by pupyzu on August 18th, 2021.
"🍓solidarity among endels: i used blue to represent solidarity between different sub-labels of endel (such as myth endel, terendel, fictendel, etc)! i chose sky blue specifically as it represents community and trust!
🍓psychotic / delusional pride: i used lavender to represent psychotic / delusional pride to correspond with the schizo-spec flag! i couldn’t find a delusional pride flag specifically so i just stuck with purple!
🍓endel community: the middle stripe is color picked from the strawberry endel symbol!
🍓being nonhuman / alterhuman: i chose salmon orange as i personally correspond orange with being nonhuman and alterhuman!
🍓solidarity with adjacent communities: i chose light yellow as it is in the otherkin flag, as well as being within the same color family as the therian and alterhuman flags!"
Alternative versions of Endel's flag and creation post can be found here.All Endelic symbols are free to use.
Endelic Sub-labels
The use of Endelic sub-labels is entirely optional.🍓Mythendel: An Endel whose identity is considered a myth or otherwise mythical. EX: A dragon, a jackalope, a Kappa.
🍓Terendel: An Endel whose identity can be found on earth. EX: earthern plants or animals.
🍓Fictendel: An Endel whose identity is sourced from a work of fiction. EX: The race of Dark Elves, or Harry Potter.
🍓Polyendel: An Endel who has more than one Endelic identity. This may refer to an individual with multiple Endels, or a system.
🍓Demi-endel: A person whose identity fluctuates between being part of a delusion or psychosis, and not. Demi-endel can also be used to describe a person who's unsure whether or not they are Endelic.
🍓Endelflux: An Endel whose Endelic identity changes often. Similar to a shapeshifter.
🍓Intrendel: A system member who is introject/introtive of any kind and an Endel; a system member whose introject/introtive identity is somehow influenced by or linked to delusions and/or being delusional.
🍓Extrendel: A nonhuman system member or extranth who is also an Endel; a system member whose nonhumanity/extranth identity is somehow influenced by or linked to delusions and/or being delusional.
🍓-tivendel: A system member who is a (blank)tive and an Endel; a system member whose (blank)tive identity is somehow influenced by or linked to delusions and/or being delusional. (Examples: fictivendel, factivendel, fuzztivendel, plushtivendel, etc.)
Endelic terms for systems were created by mogai-corvidae on August 18th, 2021. A link to their coining post can be found here.
🍓Undel: A person who is not an Endel or does not have a delusion-influenced identity.
will be updated as more questions ariseQ: I’m part of a system. Can I use Endel?
A: Yes! (and no - it doesn’t matter what your system’s origin is. You are welcome to use Endel.)Q: I’m self-diagnosed as delusional. Can I use Endel?
A: Yes; so long as you’ve done proper research into what it means to live with psychosis or delusional disorder, of course you can. Endel’s definition/etc should not be used to self-diagnose.Q: I no longer live with delusions, but experiencing them deeply influenced my alter/nonhuman identity permanently. Can I use Endel?
A: Yes!Q: How can you tell the difference between being Endel and being Otherkin?
A: There isn't a definitive answer to this. For me (babydog,) it was just that being honest with myself about being a delusional alterhuman felt so right. It helped also knowing that "Otherkin, Therian" and other alterhuman labels just didn't feel comfortable for me - it may not be helpful, but my identity boils down to just... Knowing. For others, they were able to tell because their alter/nonhuman identity felt "stronger" or more present at times where their other delusions were as well, or they have other psychotic symptoms which influence their identity. In the end, Otherkinity and Endelity have a lot in common as far as shared experiences go.Q: My delusions are not related to a psychotic disorder, but I am still delusional. Can I use Endel?
A: Yes, Endel is not exclusive to psychotics. Anyone who does or has experienced delusions can use Endel, regardless of diagnosis.Q: I'm Constellic, can I use Endel?
A: No, delusions are involuntary. This would be a very poor way to describe your experience. It would also be sanist to insert yourself as a non-delusional into a delusional space.Q: Can I use Endel alongside other Alterhuman self-identifiers? EX: Otherkin and Endel, Endel and Alterhuman, Endel and Fiction, Endel and Therian, etc?
A: Yes! So long as the term you’re pairing it with is also involuntary, it’s being properly used. You can also use Endel's modifier version, Endelic, infront of another identifier ("Endelic Otherkin, Endelic Therian," etc.)Q: Do I have to use Endel to describe my identity, if my identity is delusion-rooted?
A: No, it’s entirely up to you. If you prefer to identify as something else such as Otherkin, that’s your choice.Q: Do Endels totally and completely believe they are their identity? Can they be convinced otherwise in face of evidence?
A: Yes. Some days their identity may not be as influential on their life because delusions can flare, though. Evidence or proof of non-existence has no effect on delusions, and if it does, it is not a delusion. It should be noted that Endels may double bookkeep their delusions.Q: What's the difference between a "delusional attachment" and an Endel?
A: "delusional attachments" are described by it's coiner as a delusion of grandiose - there is no specific diagnosis requirement or delusional categorization to be Endelic - Endelity is commonly associated with bizarre-NS delusions, delusional misidentification syndromes, and somatic delusions, although this is not required. Delusional attachments are also only to (usually human) anime characters, and Endel is not limited to fiction/anime. Delusional attachments are associated with nonpsychotics, sanism, and the spread of severe misinformation on psychosis and delusions, where Endels are not.Q: Is Endelity always somatic?
A: No. Endels may be somatic, semi-somatic, or non-somatic.Q: Is identifying as Endelic anti-recovery?
A: Not inherently - individuals may identify as Endelic because they are anti-recovery, but identifying as Endelic itself is not anti-recovery.Q: Does identifying as Endelic put a delusional person in danger of being pushed farther into delusion?
A: The only person who will know the answer to this is the person themselves. Delusional people are not children who need non-delusionals to intervene in our lives. We are responsible enough for ourselves to recognize signs that our delusions are getting worse, and we have the power to pull back if we deem it necessary. Refusing to refer to Endels (and other delusionals) the way they've requested is anti-psychotic sanism.Q: What are Endels associated with, socially and politically?
A: Nothing. Endels are individuals who speak for themselves. Endelity as a whole has no political or social implications whatsoever, and anyone who claims "Endelity represents (this)" or "All Endels believe (that)" is wrong. Endel is an identity, not a social-political stance.